The children get to watch a fantastic, creative and mesmerizing show including juggling, balancing, and amazing science tricks, all while learning different mitzvas in a fun and exciting way.
The students learn how to make real authentic olive oil for our Menorahs. Then, they take a special Chanukah tour with Judea the Macabee, and hear the story of Chanuka, in our Gigantic Draidel! Plus the children do a Special Chanukah Art and Craft.
Students manufacture their very own, hand-made Matzah. Fashioned after a real Matzah bakery, students assume the real life responsibilities of kneading the dough, rolling the Matzah, baking it, etc. Children receive their very own freshly baked Matzah and custom-made baker's uniform.
Choose from one of the many Living Legacy programs.We come to your school or any event.The children learn the meaning of so many essential aspects of Judaism, in a fun,hands on, and exciting way.
Students dip candle strings in hot bees’ wax and weave together the thin-waxed strings to create a traditional Havdalah candle. Participants also make a fragrance holder for use in the Havdalah ceremony by pressing bits of clove spices into foam balls.
During this workshop, every student makes his/her own shofar. They cure, saw, drill, finish and shellac a ram's horn to create their genuine kosher Shofar. At the end of the workshop every student takes home his/her own Shofar.
The children are transported back into ancient Persia where they relive the story of Purim. With a mix of humor and drama,through a professional juggling show, and bring this ancient tale to life.
The extraordinary process of making a Torah is long, complex and quite detailed. The children will gain an appreciation of the skills necessary for this intricate job through the Torah Factory.
Students make their own Shabbat candles the old-fashioned way, with paraffin wax, enhancing their personal involvement in lighting Shabbat candles. While the candles are cooling, participants craft and decorate a candle holder.
Participants learn about the art and skills of Tefillin fabrication, including some of its hidden meanings. The students touch and examine an assortment of parchment samples, scripts and Tefillin sets and follow the process of creating a Tefillin set, starting with a piece of raw hide.
The children will gain an appreciation in the complex and quite detailed process that makes a Mezuzah fit for use through the Mezuzah Workshop. Their purpose and underlying reason are all part of the discussion. Students view the process of making a Mezuzah scroll and decorate their own brass Mezuzah case.
The Children weave their way through the creation of the Jewish calendar.They will discover what makes the Jewish Calendar different, who made it and why it is so important to have a Jewish birthday. They will learn to how to calculate their Jewish birthday as well as the meaning of their Jewish name. This program is sure to enhance Jewish pride and awareness.
Participants explore the process of Tallit-Making and the origins of the different styles and colors. Students discover the significance of Tallit lines, blue thread and Tzitzit (knotted strings) and learn the formula to tie and knot Tzitzit, which they take home in an attractive holder.